
Men's Fellowship

The Men’s Fellowship of Word Alive Centre International is popularly referred to as "Men of Honour". They are charged with the responsibility of being spiritual head of their families and leaders in the communities, thereby raising Godly homes and building a friendly society.

Women's Fellowship

Also Known as "God's Leading Ladies", Tasked with the agenda of supporting their husbands to build godly homes and raising godly children. Bringing the women in Church together, they create a positive impact in the communities thereby establishing godly society.

Youth Fellowship

Generation Alive is a group of young, vibrant and visionary youths saddled with the responsibility of driving positive change with great innovation in the community. They are driven by their love and passion for God.

Our Departments/ Units

Departments/Units are components or sub-groups of various specialized skills, responsibilities or functions that makes up the productive system of the Church. The department drives the vision and mission of the commission.

Alive Evangelism

The Evangelism department is saddled with the great commission mandate of soul winning. They organize consistent evangelism and outreach programs for soul winning and also cares for all members of the congregation including those who have been inactive. As well as for people who are not members of our church. They help them know and respond to the love of God in Christ.

Alive Media

The media department through Visual and Sound, carries the responsibility of spreading the Word all around the globe, but most importantly getting it into the privacy and comfort of people who needs it. Each sub-department functions of the Media is knitted closely together to achieve one purpose “Quality Production” of the Word of God that must hit the airwaves for the benefit of those it is meant for.

Alive Greeters

Alive Sanctuary

This department is tasked with the vision of keeping the house of God sanitised, cleaned and ready for worshippers. Every believer is automatically a member, but certain lovely people see it as their calling and they have enjoyed countless blessings for heeding to this call. This department is charged to clean God’s House and keep it presentable and clean at all times. The department is dedicated to maintaining the house of God at the highest level of cleanliness (Nehemiah 10:39).

Alive Steppers

Alive Steppers are praise dancers committed to offering their temples as living sacrifices to God, as they motivate and inspire the congregation through dance. Their sole aim is to glorify God through this. Their dance are structured to gospel music and inspirational messages.

Alive Teenagers

The Alive Teens department prepares the young adult for the Adult Church. This department provide the basic platform for training through the word of God, Prayers, Counselling and guidance to understanding real life issues, consequences of actions and decision taken and how to effectively transit from a teen to a responsible Youth.

Alive Intelligence Unit

The Safety enforcement department tasked with the responsibility of securing lives and properties and to check all suspicious/ unwarranted movements. This service group is sensitive and welcomes abroad all force personnel and also to teach and train all new members with security techniques and tips to sharpen the skills and capacity of members to keep worshippers secure. They are in Sync with the Protocol, Ushers and Traffic departments.

Alive Traffic

Traffic department has the core mission to maintain vehicular order in Church ensuring all vehicles are Safe, orderly and properly parked; and exit from Church premises is in swift and easy order. The traffic department are in charge of parking the cars of worshippers and to ensure a smooth flow of traffic in and out of the Church premises and furthermore adherence (compliance) to traffic regulations while in the premises.

Alive Ushers

Those called into the ”Ushering department” are deliberate and calculated people with great sense of human relationship and love. As a result of serving in this group, members have inculcated same principles into their personal live and are enjoying a life of orderliness and great joy. Their service is to ensure that everyone has a place to sit and in an arranged order. It also doubles as a protocol department since they look out for your belongings and makes you comfortable to enjoy the service. In some occasions, serve food to the worshippers and join clean up after a service, such as the Feeding of the Five Thousand. They are focused to orderliness by directives, also to cater for immediate service needs for the worshippers.

Alive Citizen

This group is fondly called Counsellors. They are responsible for welcoming our first time guests. Ensure that our guest are guided with first-hand information about the Church, extend the Senior Pastors wishes and prayers as well as ensure that all first timers return again. As counsellors, they represent the transformed image of the Church when first timers walked through the doors of the Church. They are intelligent, smart, dedicated and Spirit filled people. With great wisdom, this group can proffer solution and encouragement that will help anyone struggling with his or her Christian faith. Through Calls, Text Message and Visitation, they ensure first timers are cared and accounted for as long as they walk through the doors of the Church.

Alive Victory Force

This department is charged with the responsibility of praying for the Church and its members. This department also prays for upcoming programs and oversees daily prayers. Members of this department are also called  to pray and intercede for God’s people and to encourage and assist each other in personal and corporate prayers. They do this by praying in faith in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, relentlessly opposing the works of Satan in the lives of the people of God and establishing dominion and breakthrough everywhere while encouraging others to do the same.

Alive Theater

This department is aimed at ministering to the people by demonstrating the practical reality of the Word of God (actionable word of God) in plays and acts that would inspire, teach/correct and bless the people. Called into this group are a special set of people with the heart to serve the Lord via their talent, giftings and creativity. They display the written or spoken word into motion realities. As a result of serving in this department, members are finding hidden potentials, receiving and building foundations to take over the global stage with the gospel of the cross and the work of Jesus Christ by acting.

Alive Decorations

The decoration service department here handles the beautifying of the Church (Sanctuary, Offices and Church Compound). This is a very creative group of people willing to keep everything you see during service very pleasant to the eyes. This department is raising countless business owners going into event management and decorations in their communities.

Alive Choir (Splendor)

Splendor is the music arm of the Commission that ensures ceaseless worship and praise to our God. They lead in inspirational, beautiful and challenging music to praise God and edify the congregation. This department has been fully equipped to render praise and worship by the Power of the Holy Spirit; little wonder referred to as “the best Choir on the face of the Earth”.

Children Of Destiny

This department is the children section of the Church. With simple to understand stories from the Bible and life’s lessons, they provide a functioning, well equipped and efficient Sunday School for our kids. This department makes the study of the word of God fun for kids and ensures that children are well equipped with the Basic, Moral and Standard ethical practices required of a Christian child.

Alive Welfare

This is the care arm of the Church with the responsibility of ensuring the wellbeing of Workers/Members. They aim to improve the living condition of members by providing basic materials, counsel and care. They liaise with the Church to assist the under privileged, provide medical subsidies and emergency rescue and other needs to workers/members deserving their assistance.

Alive Leadership & Ministry Academy

This is the Leadership and Ministry training arm of the commission that provides in-depth knowledge of the Word of God, Leadership and Management formation through her diploma and certificate courses.

Neighbourhood Connection Centre

This is the cell group or house fellowship (Church in the House) that teaches and breakdown the Bible and personalize Christian fellowships. The house fellowship further helps the Church to builds Christian companionship. And it is the first place to begin any kind of Dedication and Welfare.

Alive Membership & Maturity Class

AMMC is the educational and discipleship unit of the commission that is responsible for teaching and training workers for their various responsibilities in their departments. They ensure that all workers understand the vision of the commission and are knowledgeable with the ethical and behavioral standards of a worker. They ensure that every worker knows and understand the tenet of faith of the Church and the need to build character formation suitable for the body of Christ through Word Alive Centre International.

Social Community Response Team

This is the unit of the Church that focuses on community needs, services and develop strategies and plans for the Church to carter for the well-being of the society and the environment while performing tasks and projects that lessen negative impact on them. This group or unit ensures the Church embarks on periodic community social projects.

Alive Welfare

Community Care Group: This unit is in charge of special visitations/outreaches to orphanages, prisons, hospitals and emergency areas.